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The benefits gained from using Naturensbalm  are not only to be enjoyed by the professional embalmer, they also extend to the funeral business, the wider environment and of course, most importantly, to the families of the deceased.


Caring today for a better, healthier tomorrow

Naturensbalm is a range of safe, environmentally acceptable sanitizing products, developed for the funeral industry in order to provide the embalmer with a healthier working environment, at the same time safeguarding the traditional funeral.

About Us

Why Embalm?

Why Embalm?

The benefits gained from using Naturensbalm  are not only to be enjoyed by the professional embalmer, they also extend to the funeral business, the wider environment and of course, most importantly, to the families of the deceased.


The embalming process kills bacteria and viruses reducing the risk of cross-infection to those who come into contact with the deceased


Where the casket is needed to be open, embalming can produce a more natural "sleeping" appearance.


In the age where families are scattered across the globe, embalming affords you time for arrangements to be made and travel plans enacted.

Common Practice

The funeral industry estimates between 50% and 55% of cadavers in the UK undergo some form of embalming so they can be viewed by relatives. The practice has become more prevalent in recent years because of the growing length of time between death and funeral, caused by delays in obtaining paperwork.

An Environmentally Safe Alternative?

Currently, formaldehyde, a volatile acid, is a key component in common embalming practices, making up anywhere from 5 to 29% of the embalming fluid.

Naturensbalm aims to provide an eco-friendly alternative to formaldehyde formulas.

Why Embalm

Why Naturensbalm?

The benefits gained from using Naturensbalm are not only to be enjoyed by the professional embalmer, but they also extend to the funeral business, the wider environment, and of course, most importantly, to the families of the deceased.


Completely safe, does not pose any health risk to humans.

Does not produce any fumes.

Is non-toxic, carcinogenic, or mutagenic.

Naturensbalm provides protection from cross-infection as it is proven to kill bacteria and viruses.


No threat of groundwater table contamination of burial grounds.

No threat of toxic fumes being given off during cremation.

Suitable for use in green burial grounds.

No threat of contamination if spillage occurs during the use of transportation.

Can be used without the need for an extraction system.

Naturensbalm containers can be recycled normally.

Can be despatched by standard delivery and does not need special storage facilities.

Presentation & Care of the deceased

Naturensbalm re-hydrates and does not firm up the tissue of the deceased, giving a more natural appearance.

Hard leathery lips, scarring, and pre-inflicted razor burns are concealed and re-hydrated by using Naturensbalm.

Jaundice cases treated with Naturensbalm will lose their yellow colour.

During a viewing, families of the deceased can hold the hand or caress their loved one as the body remains completely natural as in life.

About Us

Naturensbalm is a range of complementary products, all of which have been rigorously tested and trialed over a number of years. The range is fully compliant with the European Union's Biocide Products Directive (BPD).

Administered by employing standard equipment and embalming techniques, this range is easy to use requiring minimal training and little transitional time. Its unique rehydrating properties will provide the deceased with a more natural appearance - as if "sleeping".

Naturensbalm Arterial and Cavity fluids have been tested by a UKAS accredited testing laboratory against EN 1650:2008 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics. Both fluids passed the test demonstrating a 4 log reduction in viability under dirty conditions.

Naturensbalm is not a long-term embalming solution; it is a sanitizing process post-death pre-burial/cremation.

About Us

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 +44 (0)207 582 1747

Vincent's Yard, 23 Alphabet Mews, London SW9 0FN

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